Restoration of Bedouin orchards in the Sinai
Makhad has focused on restoring the ancient and traditional orchards of Bedouin families in the mountains of the South Sinai. This project restored 10 orchard gardens and a number of small stone dams to conserve water, each supporting a wider family network of 12-15 people. This has enabled the Bedouin families to retain their gardens, one of the few sources of income many of them have, and it has also given communities access to clean drinking water.
The lack of rainfall together with tourist development on the coast of Sharm El Skeikh has led to a dramatic lowering of the water table in the high lands. Wells in the orchard gardens have lost much if not all of their water, leading to the demise of their traditional agriculture which in the past has helped to sustain the Bedouin families.
In addition, many small desert communities have no clean drinking water causing considerable hardship. This is a highly valued project, which has enabled the Bedouin to maintain their livelihood.