Applying to JCT

Making a difference in areas of Environment, Health and Education

Who can apply

You can apply if:

  • You are a registered charity or properly constituted organisation. The purpose for which you are applying must be legally charitable and your constitution must allow you to carry out that work.

  • Your proposal falls within our funding priorities.

  • The work for which you want funding has not already taken place.

  • The work will benefit a community, village, area or large number of people.

The trust does not support:

  • Organisations or charities where there are unduly excessive administration costs.

  • Charities or organisations which have unduly excessive reserves or liquid assets.

  • Heritage or preservation.

  • Projects solely focused on animal welfare and/or relief of poverty.

  • General appeals for a large national charity or organisation.

  • Individuals and expedition groups.

  • Promotion of religion.

The Trust prefers to support projects which:

  • Are pump-priming...

  • Clearly have a significant, tangible, long-term and sustainable benefit to a community, region, area or large number of people.

How to apply

Download and read the guidelines  and application form

If you would like to apply for funding from JCT, you will need to download, complete and submit the application form to The Secretary by post, along with all the necessary documentation.

What happens next

Once an application has been received by the Secretary, you will receive a letter of acknowledgement within a few weeks to the person and address listed on your application form.

High quality applications clearly meeting the aims and priorities of the Trust will be assessed by Trustees, which may involve a request for further information. If a Trustee wishes to take forward an application for discussion at a Trustees meeting, they will get in touch with you directly. Trustees meetings are held twice a year in April and October.

You will hear shortly after these meetings whether or not your application has been successful.

Each year we receive many more applications than we can fund. This means that many applications will unfortunately not be funded, even though they are eligible under our guidelines and priorities.

Information to help you apply

The Trustees are flexible in their approach and take the following into account when considering an application:

  • The ability to objectively evaluate the effectiveness of a project.

  • The involvement of third parties (e.g. NGOs, local authorities/government departments).

  • The sustainability of the project or charity.

  • Whether the project is one-off or on-going and long-term.

  • The extent to which the organisation/charity has worked hard to obtain support and to help themselves.

  • The amount of charitable funds spent on salaries, administration, marketing and expenses.

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